Find a calendar full of activities throughout The Sherbourne Valley! Simply click on each link to book your place through our Eventbrite page, and connect with our project through our events!
You can also expect to see recurring annual events such as the amazing River Festival, the exciting Coventry City Nature Challenge and our Annual Project Update.
You can also find our upcoming events on our Eventbrite Collection.
Exploring questions of what your faith says about nature, with a walk and dialogue session.
A walk around the grounds of charterhouse with Les a local talented photographer who will give you tips and tricks to get the best shots.
A short easy walk to encourage mindfulness. Taking time to surround ourselves in nature and help create a sense of calm.
Come join us to help clean up your local river as part of The Great British Spring Clean.
Practical Work Party Volunteering day at Lake View Park. Managing woodland to create better wildlife habitat.
Join our expert from Warwickshire Amphibian and Reptile Trust at Charterhouse to learn more about our native reptiles and amphibians.
Listen to an online talk to guide you through using the iNaturalist app for the City Nature Challenge.
Give your wellbeing a boost by joining us, monthly, for a cuppa and getting out in nature to survey and learn more about your local wildlife!
Our monthly work party on the Guphill Brook involves a range of tasks, such as clearing invasive plant species, litter picking and more.
Join our monthly volunteering session in Whitley! We need your help clearing invasive plant species, litter picking and more!
Join us in recording as many wildlife species as possible for the City Nature Challenge! We'll be doing various species focused activities.
Join us in recording as many wildlife species as possible in the pond at Charterhouse.
Join us in recording as many wildlife species as possible for the City Nature Challenge! We'll be doing various species focused activities.
Join us in recording as many wildlife species as possible for the City Nature Challenge! We'll be doing various species focused activities.
Learn how to survey and monitor outfalls with Severn Trent & The Sherbourne Valley Project on an 'outfall safari'.
Join us in recording as many wildlife species as possible for the City Nature Challenge on a walk along the River Sherbourne.
Join us for 5 sessions exploring the 5 ways to wellbeing at London Road Cemetery, Coventry.
A short easy walk to encourage mindfulness. Taking time to surround ourselves in nature and help create a sense of calm.
Join us in identifying as many wildlife species as possible for the City Nature Challenge, looking through observations from the weekend!