Join our Newsletters

As part of ensuring that our community stays connected and informed, the project has two newsletters which go out at the start of each month. By subscribing to these free newsletters, you will keep informed about the project, its exciting events, and our brilliant volunteering opportunities.

There is no easier way to digest what we are up to and find ways to get involved than subscribing to our newsletters. If you would love to contribute to our newsletters or have any questions, please email

Our Events Newsletter is your ticket to staying in the know about all the exciting activities along the River Sherbourne. By subscribing, you’ll receive monthly updates about upcoming events, workshops, nature walks and community gatherings. You’ll be given links to signup to each event and you’ll often be the first to hear about them! Our events are great ways of connecting with nature and your fellow community.

Our Volunteer Newsletter is your gateway to further involvement in The Sherbourne Valley Project. When you subscribe, you’ll become part of an informed community that’s in the know about our project and what is happening across the Sherbourne Valley. You’ll receive monthly updates on volunteer opportunities, unique accredited training, success stories and the positive impact our volunteers are making on the environment and the community. Join us in making a difference, your dedication can shape the future of the River Sherbourne.