Volunteer with Us

Join our growing community of like-minded volunteers across the valley by registering as a volunteer today. Volunteering is more than just lending a hand, it’s about making a meaningful impact. We are growing a community of committed and passionate people who want to restore the River Sherbourne and create a brighter future for the river and Coventry.

No experience is needed, just enthusiasm. We regularly provide training opportunities to all of our volunteers, enabling them to advance their knowledge and self-assurance in the field of environmental conservation. Our volunteering opportunities go way past field and group activities, we have volunteers help us with surveys, at event stalls, site scanning and wildlife monitoring to name a few. Twice a year, we also have thank-you events to recognise the valuable work that our volunteers do. You can see our previous winners here.

“Volunteering with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust has enriched my life in many ways, I have learned much about managing rivers and the surrounding land.I enjoy the teamwork, working with like-minded people, all of whom are happy to give some of their time to provide an improved habitat for our wildlife.”

To register as a volunteer, please email us at sherbourne@wkwt.org.uk to be sent the forms before coming to your first volunteer event.

Please also consider signing up to our volunteer newsletter so you can see what volunteer activities are upcoming that you can join.

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There are many ways to help support the River Sherbourne through volunteering. You can take an individual approach as a monitoring volunteer, helping us to conduct site surveys, species surveys and more. Or you can take a more hands on approach as a practical volunteer and attend our regular volunteering sessions at Lake View Park and Guphill Brook managing those sites and getting hands dirty.

There are also many more ways of volunteering that support local nature besides this project. There are many local litterpicking groups which make a huge impact for cleaning up the environment, and volunteers at Warwickshire Wildlife Trust sites. We also regularly work with ecology volunteers at Historic Coventry Trust.