The River Sherbourne

Coventry owes its location, its wealth, and much of its history to the River Sherbourne. The river has been quietly flowing through our city for centuries, witnessing its growth and change over time. The source of the River can be found up in Corley Moor, after which the Sherbourne flows South through Coventry, underneath the city centre and then joins into the River Sowe at the end of it’s 9 mile journey.

The River Sherbourne has provided the people of Coventry with food and water throughout history, it has powered economic growth through the industrial period, and using sluice gates, has even provided an emergency water source for firefighters during the blitz bombings of World War Two.

Exploring key sites along the river

From the peaceful stretches of Coundon Wedge, where you can find many wetland species in the newly restored section of the North Brook, to the tranquil Lake View Park, Historic Burges, and the recently restored Charterhouse Priory, each spot has its own unique charm and history.

We have several key sites that we interact with more regularly. These sites allow us to focus on restoration and engagement projects and see real change for both nature and the people of Coventry.

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Discovering the nature of the Sherbourne

Did you know that the riverbanks are home to a wide variety of plants and animals? Take a stroll along the Sherbourne and you might see kingfishers gracefully darting over the water, or catch a glimpse of colourful wildflowers blooming along the banks. The Sherbourne is not just a river; it's a thriving ecosystem that provides a home for countless species. Through the Sherbourne Valley Project, we're working to protect and preserve these habitats for generations to come.

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Uncovering people & the river throughout history

The Sherbourne has played a central role in the lives of Coventry's residents for centuries. From providing water for drinking and washing to powering water mills, the river has been a vital resource for the city's inhabitants. Journey back in time with us as we explore how the Sherbourne has shaped the lives of those who have lived along its banks, from ancient settlements to modern developments.

Explore further

Marvelling at bridges, ruins & structures

As you walk along the river, you'll come across some fascinating sights that tell the story of Coventry's past. From the fascinating Vignoles Bridge with it’s handrails worn by rope, to the ruins of the old city walls, each structure has its own tale to tell about the history of the Sherbourne and the people who have called this area home.

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Understanding the geography of the river

Have you ever wondered why rivers flow the way they do? Join us as we explore the geography of the Sherbourne, learning about the natural processes that shape its course and the ways we can help protect it. From its source in the fields of Coundon to its journey through urban neighbourhoods and out into the River Sowe, the Sherbourne's path is a fascinating journey through the varied landscapes of Coventry.

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