Project Partners

Our Project Board

The Partnership Board is made up of many project partners, along with a diverse range of organisations we collaborate with. The Sherbourne Valley Project serves as the connecting link between various efforts and collaborations in a landscape-scale manner.

Ensuring that the project's natural, built, and cultural heritage elements are reflected in all its components. The Sherbourne Valley Project makes sure that no project within the catchment is carried out in isolation and that all parties involved consider the project's overall objectives when making choices.

Led by - Warwickshire Wildlife Trust

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust is the leading partner in the project, leading on staffing, training and delivery of the project. You can learn more about Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and their involvement in the project here.

Community Rep - Darren Male

"I’ve always been passionate about rivers, starting as canoeist in my youth, I am a now Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management, a Chartered Environmentalist, and a past adviser to the Environment Agency on conservation and recreation issues. I moved to Coventry in 2006 to a house from which we are lucky to look over Lake View Park and the River Sherbourne, and as soon as I arrived here I immediately got engaged with projects connected the river. I then met Anna Squires in around 2013 when we did a walk of the Sherbourne together and we started to discuss about opportunities for the river, and when this little acorn grew into The Sherbourne Valley Project I was the natural choice to be chair of the project, a role I am delighted to fulfil. As well as supporting the project from a strategic level, I am also an active volunteer with the Lake View Park Working Parties."

Coventry City Council

Coventry City Council is a unitary authority that covers the city of Coventry. It is comprised of 18 sub-areas called ‘wards’, each of which is represented by 3 elected Councillors. Coventry City Council is the main landowner within the Sherbourne Valley Project and has direct responsibility for the management of a number of the key sites including large areas of Coundon Wedge, Lake View Park and a lot of the city centre.

As well as cash match funding, Coventry City Council are also pledging to support the project in other ways through in-kind support. This includes hosting Board and subproject meetings within their offices, updating the information on their website to improve accessibility to sites, exploring options of funding to restore the built heritage assessment and committing to manage the CCC owned sites following the Management and Maintenance Plan which will be developed as part of this project.

Severn Trent

Severn Trent plc is a water company with its headquarters in Coventry. Severn Trent is responsible for supplying freshwater and treating sewage for around 8 million people living in the Midlands of England and also a small area of Wales. Severn Trent is embarking on one of the biggest nature projects across the UK, by boosting nature across 5,000 hectares of land in the Severn Trent region by 2027.

As well as cash match funding Severn Trent are also pledging to support the project in other ways through in-kind support. This includes hosting Board and sub-project meetings within their offices, produce their own comms to promote their involvement in the project and deliver two half day mental health first aid training events per year.

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is a non-departmental public body, established in 1995 and sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), with responsibilities relating to the protection and enhancement of the environment in England.

They are investing in the catchment to help the river reach its highest possible ecological status by 2027 to meet the current Water Framework Directive targets. As well as cash match funding the Environment Agency are also pledging to support the project in other ways through in-kind support. This includes providing in-kind staff training.

Sherbourne Valley Churches

Sherbourne Valley Churches (SVC) is a group representing multifaith churches throughout the Sherbourne Valley river catchment. They are represented on the Board by individuals who disseminate information to their network and represent their views and interests.

SVC will not charge for any staff time relating to The Sherbourne Valley Project, with officer time and support (where reasonably practicable to SVC) offered in kind. The SVC will provide venues for meetings and events delivered by the project as an in-kind contribution. Also, where appropriate SVC will link The Sherbourne Valley Project delivery into the Eco church programme to ensure that the impact is sustainable beyond the life of the National Lottery Heritage Fund contribution.

Historic Coventry Trust

Historic Coventry Trust are bringing new life to the city’s heritage. They encourage people to explore authentic places, take part in events and stay in historic accommodation. Their vision is to find innovative ways to sustain historic places and to inspire, involve and connect people with the city’s history.

Historic Coventry Trust also own and manage Charterhouse and its surrounding Heritage Park. National Lottery Heritage Fund have already provided significant support to the restoration of the building and The Sherbourne Valley Project provides a great opportunity to ensure that the Heritage Park’s natural and built heritage features are restored and enhanced to the same level. Historic Coventry Trust are pledging to support the project through in-kind support. This includes hosting Board and sub-project meetings within their offices and will not charge for staff time associated with the project.

Citizen Housing

Citizen Housing is one of the UK's biggest social housing providers. They own and manage 30,000 homes across the West Midlands. Citizen Housing have invited Warwickshire Wildlife Trust to be a member of the Steering Group for their development plans with the intention of incorporating in the options from the feasibility study and Sherbourne Valley Project outcomes into the emerging designs for redevelopment of Spon End. They have also committed to retaining all the built heritage assets through the redevelopment. Citizen Housing will continue to be a Board Partner, and supporting events held in Spon End.

Coventry University

Coventry University is a forward-looking, modern university with a proud tradition as a provider of high-quality education and a focus on applied research. Its students benefit from state-of-the-art equipment and facilities in all academic disciplines including health, design and engineering laboratories, performing arts studios and computing centres. The University’s city-centre campus is continually developing and evolving, and they have plans for further investment in it over the next few years. The University has a major presence in Coventry, which contributes to the city's friendly and vibrant atmosphere and also enables The Sherbourne Valley Project communications to be extended to new audiences via their support.

Coventry University’s Research Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), Colleges including Arts and Society ,as well as Engineering, Environment and Science are working closely with the project.